Creating a Search engine is that possible??



I was wondering if there was a way that i can create a look up box - like a
search engine that you can look up certain people in a service - client
so that you wont have to search through each file? is that possible or not
because that would be great if I could!!!

Jeff Boyce

Access doesn't use "files" (everything is in a single .mdb file, unless you
have split your database), so "won't have to search through each file"
doesn't seem connected to Access.

We have no idea what data you are working with, nor how it might be

Unless you give us a bit more to go on, we can only offer very general



Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Pieter Wijnen

Are you meaning "Table" when you speak about Database & read "Record" for



well i have a database that holds client information, ie payments, invoices
and etc, and i was wondering on the main form that i created to look up and
link all the information if i could make a search field that would look up a
particular person...for example i have 2000 people in my database and i
wanted to find the data for 1 person and all their history ie invoice and
such instead of scrolling through all of the data, maybe like a box that you
can type in and then it will search for a keywork ie like a search engine..
?? it that what info you needed to help me ? if you need more i'll be

Albert D. Kallal

There is quote a few searching systems built right into ms-access.

Have you tried query by form?

When viewing a form, you simply go

Records->filter->filter by form.

At that point your form now becomes a "search engine" form. You can type in
the city name, perhaps the region (if you have such a field) etc.

You can even note that some fields( controls) will eve have drop downs for
criteria. You not limited to just one field, but can use "many" different
fields from the main form.

When you finished typing in all the values you need to look for, then you
can hit the "filter" button...

And, there is also the control-f to find, and also filter by selection.

So, there is a "ton" of built in searching systems. It not clear if you
tried some of the built in ones or not.....

Often, because I don't expect users to be well versed in ms-access, I will
be a search form. I give my ideas here:

As a general rule, you only much limited by your imagination as to how you
present a search system for your users....


I have found that this works for me.

On your form
Create a Combo Box and name it cbNameSearch
Row Source type for cbNameSearch = Table/Query
Row Source – use the SQL Statement – Query Builder. Now insert the fields
that you want.
For your Column Widths you may want to use something like 0â€;1.4â€;1†if you
don’t want to see the first column.

The following code goes in to AfterUpdate

Private Sub cbNameSearch_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[TipID] = " & Me![cbNameSearch]
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
DoCmd.GoToControl "ReportID"
Me!ReportID.SelStart = Me!ReportID.SelLength ' This takes the cursor
to the end of the name.
End Sub

Of course TipID and ReportID are names that I have assigned to fields. Also
my may not want the last line - Me!ReportID.SelStart =

If all goes well you should be able to enter the Combo Box and start typing
the name. It will find it. Then press Enter.


I tried this out but it didnt work, can you be alittle more detailed with
your explainations? Im not very good with building code... please respond in
more detail...what control? its keep saying that the field is bound to
cbNameSearch.... Did i Type in the wrong code?? Please Help me..Thanks

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