creating a report tool from an Excel spreadsheet



I think there is an easy solution for this problem if I can explain it.

I have an Excel sheet imported into a table. So if you will, I have the
report view. The fields are un-normalized. I want it in Access instead of
Excel because we have to match up this sheet with another sheet and for other

What I am having trouble doing is getting it back into the normalized form.
There are only about 6 fields important fields across so it can't be that


region, area, headend, router, node, optical transmitter, Utilization % 9/1,
Utilizaiton % 9/7 ......

The problem is I get this report every week and I want to keep a history of
the utilization % for each weekending.

so where it says utilization % that would be for this week. Then I want to
add to this table the Utilization % for next week .......

I don't know how to keep adding columns.

If I normalize the database it would be

region ----> area----> headend----->router----> node

So I don't know how to import the table formatted in rows and columns into
the above and whether I need a variable for the date. Or if I need a
separate table for the utilization figures or what.

For now just suppose that the data doesn't change. I only add new rows when
new routers are added and that each time i import a new week-ending all the
router information stays the same.

Can someone please help me.


Please excuse my (hopefully helpful) directness.

I noticed you had no answers.

I read your post twice and still can only take a guess at what you're trying
to say. Also, I think that you're using "normalize" to mean something
different than it's official database meaning, which is probably consusing

But here's my guess at what you're saying. You have these items which are
the main subject of your table. And, for each, you want to enter a lot of
history. IF so:

Make a table with your items. (but no history) And establish a primary
key (like itemnumber) for each item.

Make a second table for entry of each instance of record history. Probably
just 3 fields. The item number of the item that it happened on, the date and
the utilization factor.

Then link the tables, itemnumber to itemnumber. Whatever reports, forms or
views that you need should easily shake out from that structure.

Would be happy to answer another post but I won't be watching, so if your do
, email me with the origina post date) to tell me its there




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