Creating a Profit and Loss Statement from Imported Data



I am looking a getting information off a web site and creating a P&L
statement. I need to know if I do not have the total cost but I have the
quantity and amount if I can take those two columns and calculate the total
cost? Also I need to know if the user can enter other information in Excel if
they need too on this P&L statement?



It is impossible to say if amount is the proper unit cost whereby TC=Q X UC
in the standard accounting formula where TC is total cost Q=quantity and UC
is Unit Cost.

It generaly depends on the information provided and the accounting rules and
assumption that are applied.

What you need to do is play around with the data and see if the results that
you get are as required.

Regarding allowing users to enter other information in excel is a vague
please can you be a little more explicit like:

Can users flex the results for changes in production or changes in the unit
cost of raw materials.

But in general it depends how you design your system to allow user entry.

Sorry it is a little vague but your question was a little vague too.

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