Creating a numbered list on a filtered worksheet



Hi all

I have a large worksheet and have set an AutoFilter on the data, to display
the information I need, however, I now need to insert a new column (A) and
number the entries on the filtered list as 1, 2, 3 etc.

When I enter 1 and 2, highlight them both and drag down, it doesn't fill in
with 3, 4 etc. it gives me a list of 1's. I am presuming this is because it
recognises the list is filtered.

Is there any way I can auto-number this filtered list?

THank you.

Peo Sjoblom

As far as I know there is no way of bypassing that, it's because Excel can
copy non contiguous cells and paste them in one solid block but it cannot do
it the other way around. So even if you use something that will fill like a
series it will
skip the filtered rows


copied down will return 1,2,3 and so on but if the first values in your
filtered list is in row 2 and second value is in row 5 it will fill like 1,
4 and so on


Hi, thanks for your reply.

You've confirmed what I suspected, I just wondered if there was a way around

Thanks any way.


Bernie Deitrick


Use this formula in cell A2:


and copy down to match your list. It will update when filtered to always show a correctly numbered

MS Excel MVP

Bernie Deitrick


I should have stressed that you need to have all cells showing (the list unfiltered, or use show
all) prior to entering and copying the formula.

MS Excel MVP


Louise เขียน:
Hi all

I have a large worksheet and have set an AutoFilter on the data, to display
the information I need, however, I now need to insert a new column (A) and
number the entries on the filtered list as 1, 2, 3 etc.

When I enter 1 and 2, highlight them both and drag down, it doesn't fill in
with 3, 4 etc. it gives me a list of 1's. I am presuming this is becauseit
recognises the list is filtered.

Is there any way I can auto-number this filtered list?

THank you.

Try this :



Enter and copy down

Hope this helps.

T. Valko

Also, don't include the numbered list in the filter.

Try this:

A1 = header = Count
B1 = header = Answer

B2:B5 = yes,no,yes,no

A2 = formula: =SUBTOTAL(3,B$2:B2) copied down to A5

Select B1 and apply the filter. Excel automatically includes column A in the
filter. Filter on "yes" in the Answer column. See what happens? The last
"no" is included in the filter.

Now, "show all", remove the filter. Reapply the filter selecting *only*
column B. Filter on "yes". See the difference?

Why does that happen?


Roger Govier

Hi Biff

Comes out as 1 2 in both cases for me, with either 2 yes's showing or 2

Roger Govier

Hi Biff

I see what you mean.
I have other data in columns, and selected columns B:D before applying
Autofilter, so A wasn't included.
When I include A, I get the same result as you.

I have no explanation for this, and don't have time to investigate
tonight, but if I come up with anything tomorrow, I will post back.

T. Valko

I answered this same question a few days ago in the .misc group. I was
"playing" around with it and discovered this behavior.



It only seems to do this when there is a subtotal formula in column A. XL is
excluding the last row from the filtered list. Constants or other formulae
don't appear to cause a problem. Perhaps XL is assuming this last row is
subtotaling the list and s/b left visible after the filter is applied and is
not part of the actual data (due to there being a subtotal formula).

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