Creating a new record



I'm trying to create a new record from a form. To do this I have a button
labeled "Create". The VBA coding for the Create button is below. I get an
error on the line " DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew". The error I
get is "The command or action 'RecordsGoToNew' isn't available now." If I
comment out that line it runs, but as soon as I type a letter in the form a
pop comes up saying "You can't assign a value to this object". Once I click
OK, however, I can go ahead and add the record. I "think" the form is not
yet on a new record. That is what the acCmdRecordsGoToNew is suppose to do.
However, I get the isn't available now message. Thanks for your help.

Private Sub cmd_New_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmd_New_Click
Me.Dpmt = Null
Me.WrkGrp = Null
Me.Team = Null
Me.Role = Null

'Unlock the Role Profile Annotator subforms, allow additions, and move focus
to the subform and move to a new record
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditA.Locked = False
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditB.Locked = False
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditC.Locked = False
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditD.Locked = False

'Allow additions
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditA.Form.AllowAdditions = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditB.Form.AllowAdditions = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditC.Form.AllowAdditions = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditD.Form.AllowAdditions = True

'Allow Shortcut Menus
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditA.Form.ShortcutMenu = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditB.Form.ShortcutMenu = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditC.Form.ShortcutMenu = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditD.Form.ShortcutMenu = True

DoCmd.GoToControl "sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditA"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew
DoCmd.GoToControl "Assigned"

' Update locked status on subform

Exit Sub

Resume Next
Resume Err_cmd_New_Click_Exit
End Sub

Mr. B

I'm trying to create a new record from a form. To do this I have a button
labeled "Create". The VBA coding for the Create button is below. I get an
error on the line " DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew". The error I
get is "The command or action 'RecordsGoToNew' isn't available now." If I
comment out that line it runs, but as soon as I type a letter in the form a
pop comes up saying "You can't assign a value to this object". Once I click
OK, however, I can go ahead and add the record. I "think" the form is not
yet on a new record. That is what the acCmdRecordsGoToNew is suppose to do.
However, I get the isn't available now message. Thanks for your help.

Private Sub cmd_New_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmd_New_Click
Me.Dpmt = Null
Me.WrkGrp = Null
Me.Team = Null
Me.Role = Null

'Unlock the Role Profile Annotator subforms, allow additions, and move focus
to the subform and move to a new record
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditA.Locked = False
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditB.Locked = False
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditC.Locked = False
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditD.Locked = False

'Allow additions
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditA.Form.AllowAdditions = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditB.Form.AllowAdditions = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditC.Form.AllowAdditions = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditD.Form.AllowAdditions = True

'Allow Shortcut Menus
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditA.Form.ShortcutMenu = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditB.Form.ShortcutMenu = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditC.Form.ShortcutMenu = True
Me.sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditD.Form.ShortcutMenu = True

DoCmd.GoToControl "sfrm_Profile_Annotator_EditA"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew
DoCmd.GoToControl "Assigned"

' Update locked status on subform

Exit Sub

Resume Next
Resume Err_cmd_New_Click_Exit
End Sub

The only line of code you need to move to a new record is:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

As for the other code you have, if you have a specific need to use
some of the statements you have there you can include them after the
statement above.

Hope this helps,

Mr. B