Windows XP Creating a "frontend windows"...

May 18, 2002
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Guys, I would like to create a stripped windows for a set top box I want to create. The only thing it has to do is play some games and play dvd/avi.

I want to strip windows of all unnecesary things and create a nice console-like front-end. Anybody know hot to do this?
There used to be a tool called litestep that could to this, I think it was halted though - check might have some info which is of use too. If you are prepared to do some coding in Visual Basic or something similar, you could always create you own version and replace explorer.exe with it (after reading how to, and backing it up!)
Guys, I would like to create a stripped windows for a set top box I want to create. The only thing it has to do is play some games and play dvd/avi.
Nice link Ian ... I learn something new every day!

DOS plays Games!

Linux plays Games ...

Mucks says ... Why the NEED for Windose?

ChAoS ... Hmmm ...
Chaos = bedlam, confusion, anarchy, pandemonium, commotion, commotion, disarray, turmoil. ????

Compromises this old timer!

ok ok, not being a gamer myself I think I need to "play around" sometime. ;)