CreateGraphics for a control




I am trying to implement this snippet of code from the .Net help
documentatiion so that I can modify the width of a textbox on one of my
aspx forms. However, for some reason visual studio thinks that
CreateGraphics is not a member (or method) of System.Web.UI.Control.
Can anyone help? Do I need to import something?

Private Sub AutoSizeControl(ByVal control As Control, ByVal
textPadding As Integer)
' Create a Graphics object for the Control.
Dim g As Graphics = control.CreateGraphics()

' Get the Size needed to accommodate the formatted Text.
Dim preferredSize As Size = g.MeasureString( _
control.Text, control.Font).ToSize()

' Pad the text and resize the control.
control.ClientSize = New Size( _
preferredSize.Width + textPadding * 2, _
preferredSize.Height + textPadding * 2)

' Clean up the Graphics object.
End Sub


Bruce Barker

use System.Drawing

note: this code will not really work, as the browser is not necessarily
using the server font (or size). for a good example, hit your site from
computer with large fonts selected.

-- bruce (

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