CreateChildControl or Render?



Should I create controls for a composite WebControl in the
CreateChildControl or the Render method? It seems like CreateChildControl
is not called at design time when the control is on a page being designed.

Here's my situation. I'm making a composite WebControl that has a label and
a RadioButtonList. I want the developer to be able to set properties on the
control to set the text for the text, and edit a collection of strings for
the RadioButtonList, and I want the changes the developer makes to the
properties in Property Window to reflect on the control on the page (at
design time).

Here's my code at the moment. I had to check the controls to see if they
were empty in the Render(...) method and create fake ones if they were so
something would render at design-time. The CreateChildControls(...) method
is never called at design time. So should I just intialize the controls and
add them in the Render(...) method, or do I even need to add them to the
WebControl if I'm just telling them to render themselves? Or should I even
have the Private variables for the controls and just create them in the
Render, tell them to render themselves, and destroy them... That sound
resource intensive in a Render(...) method... I have a feeling I'm going
about this all the wrong way. Anybody feel like throwing some pointers at
me? I'll duck if they're coming to hard and fast... ;)

Private m_QuestionLabel As New WebControls.Label
Private m_RadioButtonList As New WebControls.RadioButtonList
Private m_QuestionText As String = ""
Private m_Choices As New Collections.Specialized.StringCollection

Public Property QuestionText() As String
Return m_QuestionText
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
m_QuestionText = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property Choices() As Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
Return m_Choices
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Collections.Specialized.StringCollection)
m_Choices = Value
End Set
End Property

Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
' Put the Label together and add it...
m_QuestionLabel.Font.Bold = True
m_QuestionLabel.Text = m_QuestionText
m_QuestionLabel.Width = Me.Width
' Put the RadioButtonList together and add it...
For Index As Integer = 0 To m_Choices.Count - 1
m_RadioButtonList.Width = Me.Width
End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
' Render the Label...
Dim TempLabel As WebControls.Label
If m_QuestionLabel.Text.Trim() > String.Empty Then
' If there is text in our Label, then render it.
TempLabel = m_QuestionLabel
' Otherwise, make up a fake one (for design-time).
TempLabel = New WebControls.Label
TempLabel.Text = "Question Text"
TempLabel.Font.Bold = True
TempLabel.Width = Me.Width
End If
TempLabel = Nothing
' Render the RadioButtonList...
Dim TempRBL As WebControls.RadioButtonList
If m_RadioButtonList.Items.Count > 0 Then
' If there are choices in our RadioButtonList, then
' render it.
TempRBL = m_RadioButtonList
' Otherwise, make up a fake one (for design-time).
TempRBL = New WebControls.RadioButtonList
TempRBL.RepeatDirection = m_RadioButtonList.RepeatDirection
TempRBL.Items.Add("Choice 1")
TempRBL.Items.Add("Choice 2")
TempRBL.Items.Add("Choice 3")
TempRBL.Items.Add("Choice 4")
TempRBL.Width = Me.Width
TempRBL.Height = New WebControls.Unit(Me.Height.Value -
End If
TempRBL = Nothing
End Sub

Natty Gur


First try to check out RPS when you using render and CreateChildControl.
You'll find out that render result in higher RPS. I'm using render when
i write my own controls. If you need to check out if you in design or
runtime you can check this.Site.DesignMode.


Natty Gur[MVP]

blog :
Mobile: +972-(0)58-888377


What is RPS? R(something) Per Second? Thanks for the tip on
Site.DesignMode! I was just checking my RadioButtonList.Items to see if it
was empty. :)

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