Create New Sheets from Filtered List



I am using a macro from to create a new sheet for each rep. I
can run the macro but it only shows data up to column G in each rep new sheet
and the data I am entering on the master spreadsheet goes to column BG. How
can I fix the macro so all of the columns get copied to each rep sheet?

Gord Dibben

You have to change the named range "DataBase" parameters. Sheet1 go to Insert>Name>Define and change the
"DataBase" range from

=Sheet1!$A$1:$G$43 to whatever you desire.

Then the code line Set rng = Range("DataBase") will act upon your range.

No need to edit the macro.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


I have one more question if you don't mind. I would like to also transfer the
last row that contains the total for each column from the master sheet to the
other sheets. How do I do that?

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