Create a custom contact "File As"


Jason W.

I want to be able to list my contacts by COMPANY (First Last). Is there a
way to either edit the existing file as options or create a new one?


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I want to be able to list my contacts by COMPANY (First Last). Is there a
way to either edit the existing file as options or create a new one?

What's wrong with the By Company view Outlook already supplies?

Jason W.

It only gives you the option to save it as COMPANY (Last, First). I'd like
to save it as COMPANY (First Last).

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

It only gives you the option to save it as COMPANY (Last, First). I'd like
to save it as COMPANY (First Last).

You're changing the requirements from that of your initial post. You said
originally you wanted to be able to list your contacts by Company name with a
person't Firt and Last name showing in that order. Now you're saying you want
to SAVE your contacts that way. Listing them and saving them are different.
The By Company view seems to be what you first requested. I haven't been able
to find any references to changing the list of available File As choices. Try
asking in microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms

Karl Timmermans

Cannot change existing or add new <FileAs> options. Your only recourse is to
write code that will accomplish what you're looking to do.

Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2007"

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