CPU at 100%


Guess who?

My computer is using 100% CPU and a heck of a lot of
Kernal Memory being pinged. My Windows XP is fully
updated and virus clear. What can I do about this?
Microsoft's "Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 835152"
MIGHT be the what my problem is but it doesn't help me
much because I am having a hard time getting that hotfix.


You said that your computer is virus free, but is it
spyware free?


Spybot Search&Destroy

Download both programs, install, and check for updates.
Then scan your computer. Let us know what you find.
Chances are that you'll have quite a few hits if you
haven't run any anti-spyware programs before.

Hope this helps,


Guess Who.

As far as I know. I have the Spybot SD that is updated
and with it I scanned it.
I also have the spyware blaster.

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