Counts/Percents Multiple Criteria



Hi Folks - Me again ... Here's my scenario:

I have data arranged like this:

SiteID Attendance Count ComparisonField
1 20 Increase
1 10 Decrease
1 5 Same
1 25 Decrease
2 20 Increase
2 10 Decrease
2 5 Same
2 25 Decrease

I need a way to produce stats like this:

SiteName Attendance Groupings
Comparison Counts
# of
increase # of Decreases # of Same
1 12 or more 1
1 0
Between 8-11 0
1 0
Less than 8 0
0 1

So, for any given site, I'd like to count the number of increases, decreases
and sames for the attendance groupings. I tried a Pivot Table, bu could not
get the correct results. I'm think an array formula may do the trick. Any
ideas? Thanks.


Bob Phillips





Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

Bernard Liengme

Assuming the Site ID to be in A2:A100, the Attendance Count in B2:B100 and
the text in C2:C100
To count Site ID =1; Count >=12 and text Increase
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A100=1), --(B2:B100>=12), --(C2:C100 ="Increase")
Of course you could use
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A100=K5), --(B2:B100>=L5), --(C2:C100 =L6) if K5, L5 and
L6 have values 1,12 and Increase, respectively

To count Site ID =1; Count = 8 to 11 and text Increase
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A100=1), --(B2:B100>=8), --(B2:B100<12), --(C2:C100

More details of why this works at

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