Counting 'Yes' or 'No'



has I have a list of information that answers either yes or no. I would like
to be able to count how many yes and no answer there are in the coloum.

If you need extra info, let me know.

I am using excel 2007.

Thanks for the help!

Ron Rosenfeld

has I have a list of information that answers either yes or no. I would like
to be able to count how many yes and no answer there are in the coloum.

If you need extra info, let me know.

I am using excel 2007.

Thanks for the help!

Check out the COUNTIF function in HELP.


It would be helpful to know what column those values of yes and no are
in - assume it is column F. You can use these formulae to count them:


Don't put the formulae in column F.

Hope this helps.


Warren Easton

Try this ="Yes - "&COUNTIF(Range,"Yes")&" No - "&COUNTIF(Range,"No")
Excel Novice
Addiewell, Scotland.

If this helps please click the Yes button.

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