Counting Records


Rick Deemer

I am trying to create a query that traces our sales in the following manner:

Sorted by Zipcode
Sorted by Dr. Name
Sorted by Patient Name
Totalled by Dr. Name
Then counting the distinct number of patients per Dr. Name

The problem that I am running into is when I try and get the total number of
patients I can only get it seems the total number of records not necessarily
the patients. What I would like to do is then create a crosstab query and
send it to Excel for the marketing reps to view. My issue is with getting
the distinct number of patients per Dr. Name. I have tried to use the 2
queries one to count distinct and another for the rest of the information
but apparently I am not understanding that quite so well.

I have read many posts on items similar to this but have not yet found an

Also can someone recommend a good reference for Access? Not a basic book but
something more intermediate to advanced. Currently I am using 2K.

Thank you


Please post the query you have for Zipcode, Dr. Name, Patient Name, Total per
Dr. Name.

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