Counting only visible rows and not using a filter


Carl Olsson


I want one cell in my spreadsheet to always show the number of
non-empty visible cells in a range. Subtotal(3, rng) only seems to
work with autofilter and I'm hiding my rows programmatically. Any
ideas somebody?



You can create a standard module and include this function:

Function NonEmptyVisible(Cell_Range As Range) As Integer
Dim Cell As Range
Dim intCounter As Integer
For Each Cell In Cell_Range
If Cell.EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
If Not IsEmpty(Cell.Value) Then
intCounter = intCounter + 1
End If
End If
NonEmptyVisible = intCounter
End Function

Then just reference it like a regular worksheet function -
passing the range you want to use. It's not very
efficient though, and you'll need to find another option
if we're talking about large amounts of rows.


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