Counting mixed chains of numbers and letters



Is there a way to sum the numerical values in a chain that includes numbers
and letters.

If I have a chain such as "M4G3M4P0" is there something I can do so that
excel will sum the numerical values? Note: the chains I am working with are
sometimes quite long (up to 25 characters) but almost always go
letter-number-letter-number- and so on.

Thank you


Sub Sumcharacters()
Dim i as Long, s as String
Dim lsum as Long
for i = 1 to len(cell.value)
s = Mid(cell.value,i,1)
if isnumeric(s) then
lsum = lsum + clng(s)
end if
msgbox lsum
End Sub


Thank you for the code for VB. I am fairly unfamiliar with VB though, if my
string of "M4G3 M4P0" was in cell B4, what in the VB code do I need to
change. Can I change the code so it evaluates a range of cells?
Thanks again


Sub Sumcharacters()
Dim i as Long, s as String
Dim lsum as Long, cell as range

set cell = Range("B4")
for i = 1 to len(cell.value)
s = Mid(cell.value,i,1)
if isnumeric(s) then
lsum = lsum + clng(s)
end if
msgbox lsum
End Sub

Sub SumcharactersMultipleCells()
Dim i as Long, s as String
Dim lsum as Long, cell as Range
set cell = Range("B4").Resize(5,20)
for each cell in rng
for i = 1 to len(cell.value)
s = Mid(cell.value,i,1)
if isnumeric(s) then
lsum = lsum + clng(s)
end if
Next cell
msgbox lsum
End Sub

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