Counting columns, adding totals


Dennis Allen

Hi. I've been handed an excel file that needs tweaking. Was wondering if
someone here could help.

This xls file consists of 7 worksheets, one of every day of the week. Each
worksheet has a 30 column section, each marked either [X] or [ ]. There's
one row for each person, the columns represent their 1/2 hour schedule.

1) I need a totals column, totaling the # of Xs in the 30 columns for that
person. Is there a way to determine if a cell has an [X] or not? If so,
add 1 to a count?

2) This totals column also needs to show department sub-total and grand
total. Should be easy enough, but I need to print a summary version of the
worksheet, showing just the department totals.

3) I figure the next thing the client will ask to a printed report showing
department totals of the whole week, all 7 worksheets. Is that possible?

As you may have guessed, I'm not an Excel person. First chance I get, I'll
run down to B&N and find an Excel reference book. Any advice from this
newsgroup will still be greatly appreciated...Dennis


You want to do this in a macro or using a worksheet function?

If you just want to do it in a worksheet function, then put your curso
where you want the result to be and click on "Insert > Function".
Select the "Countif" function. The wizard will help you set up th
formula. You want something like this:



You want to do this in a macro or using a worksheet function?

If you just want to do it in a worksheet function, then put your curso
where you want the result to be and click on "Insert > Function".
Select the "Countif" function. The wizard will help you set up th
formula. You want something like this:



here's a the way if you ever need to see if
excel can do something try clicking the fx on the toolbar
to bring up possiblr functions....

start with a countif function....countif("range","[X]") to
get a count of the [X]'s where "range" is the row of
entries...add another workshet bringing the
can then print each sheet (fitting each one to 1 page -
probably landscape)....



Although I couldn't figure out exactly what you need, but I guess yo
require something like

1 C1 C2 C3 C4 Total
2 X X X =COUNTIF(A2:D2,"X")

- Manges

Dennis Allen

Thanks for the reply. Question. If I want to copy the countif() in the
same column, but different rows, is that =COUNTIF($A1:$A30,"X")?

Now if I can figure out how to print a summary version of each sheet and
link the numbers of each sheets to a summary sheet...Dennis

Dennis Allen

Thanks for the reply. Now if I can figure out how to print a summary
version of each sheet and link the numbers of each sheet to a summary

Dennis Allen

Oops. $ is absolute. My mistake...Dennis

Dennis Allen said:
Thanks for the reply. Question. If I want to copy the countif() in the
same column, but different rows, is that =COUNTIF($A1:$A30,"X")?

Now if I can figure out how to print a summary version of each sheet and
link the numbers of each sheets to a summary sheet...Dennis

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