COUNTIF using multiple conditions



I have two columns of data. One of the columns lists sources by which
customers heard of our company. Another contains the status of the
appointment. Ex:

Yellow Pages LOST
Radio SOLD
Truck Signs SOLD
Yellow Pages LOST
Yeloow Pages SOLD

I want to take a count of how many times an appointment from a certain
source is sold. In other words, I need it to meet both criteria. I've
tried using the COUNTIF function but can't seem to work it out. I've
looked through other postings and tried

=SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!A:A="Yellow Pages")*(Sheet1!B:B="Sold"))

but that gives me the error #NUM!

Thanks in advance.

Peo Sjoblom

You can't use the whole column as in A:A, change it to A1:65535 or better
change it to
something that you never will pass beyond, maybe A1:A1000?

Randall Roberts

change your formula to

=SUMPRODUCT((A1:A300="Yellow Pages")*(B1:B300="Sold"))

and it should work

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