Countif accross multiple questions.



Hi folks,

I know this has been asked and answered, but I could not get it
working. I thought I would ask my specific problem.

I have a excel spreadsheet with a detail sheet containing columns.

One column is Inventoried whose values are TRUE or FALSE.
Another column is PRICE which could be 0 or any number like 5.35.

In anoher sheet I want a summary.

I have one cell that is inventoried (=COUNTIF('INVENTORY'!E:E,"TRUE"

I need another Cell that will be Unpriced inventory which is the number
if Inventoried = 'TRUE' and price = 0. I tried the sumproduct but keep
getting errors.

I have thought of adding additional columns, but would prefer not to if
possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Dave O

Did you use double unary operators in the SUMPRODUCT formula? I got
this one to work:

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