count using multiple criteria



Column A has texts
Column B has dates

Want to count rows having text='Apples' for dates between today and 14
days back. In other words read it as "counting number of Apple sale
transactions for a fortnight. I want to write a user defined VBA
function that can be called in excel sheet cells.

I tried countif but it takes only one criteria. Tried 'count' and 'if'
together and also 'sum' but could not succeed much. How we can achieve
above mentioned counting. Thanks.

Bob Phillips

No need for VBA



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


Thanks. For simplicity I tried to wrap it in a VBA function but it is
failing at Application.SumProduct row:

Function qae(weeklyFridayDate As Date) As Integer
Dim dateRange As range
Dim dataRange As range
Dim countData As Integer

Set dataRange = Sheets("DT").range("D11:D1000")
Set dateRange = Sheets("DT").range("E11:E1000")

qae = Application.SumProduct(--(dataRange = "Internal") *
--(dateRange > (weeklyFridayDate - 12)) * --(dateRange <=
(weeklyFridayDate + 2)))
End Function

Bob Phillips


qae = Activesheet.Evaluate("=SumProduct(--(DT!D11:D1000= ""Internal"") ," &
"--(DT!E11:E1000>(" &
weeklyFridayDate & "-12))," & _
"--(DT!E11:E1000<=(" &
weeklyFridayDate & "+2)))")


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


I tried it but couldn't succeed. To get your suggested code compiled
removed two _ (underscores), not sure if that is correct. Once compile
it gave me 0 as result for all inputs which is not correct as withou
VBA I get correct result.

I am not experienced in VBA so couldn't debug it much to see what wa
going on. Any further help is highly appreciated. Thanks

Bob Phillips

NG wrap-around did us no favours here.


Dim sFormula As String
sFormula = "=SumProduct(--(DT!D11:D1000= ""Internal"") ," & _
"--(DT!E11:E1000>(" & weeklyFridayDate & "-12))," & _
"--(DT!E11:E1000<=(" & weeklyFridayDate & "+2)))"
qae = ActiveSheet.Evaluate(sFormula)

If that fals, try mailing the workbook to me perhaps?


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

Bob Phillips

Change the function declaration

Function qae(fridayDate As Long) As Integer

or keep it as date and change the formula

sFormula = "=SumProduct(--(DT!D11:D1000= ""Internal"") ," & _
"--(DT!E11:E1000>=--(""" & Format(fridayDate, "yyyy-mm-dd")
& """-11))," & _
"--(DT!E11:E1000<=--(""" & Format(fridayDate, "yyyy-mm-dd")
& """+2)))"


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

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