Count the times a particular word is used in a document



I need to determine how many times a particular word is used in the document;
by itself, count does not seem to offer that function. Is there anyway I can
do this?



You can use Find, with the "Highlight all items found in: Main Document" to
register how many items there are in the document for a certain word or
string. This function is in 2003 (and probably 2007) but not prior. If you
are "prior" then use the replace All function, this registers the number of
changes, just don't forget to Undo the Replace ALL ;-)
Hope this helps

Graham Mayor

Use Replace to replace the word with ^&
Word will report the number of replacements - hence the count.
There is no need to undo anything as this replaces the word with the found

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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