Count several different text fields in a report




I have a problem trying to count the total number of text fields in my
report. I've tried Sum and Count without success.

Report Heade
Person's Name, Office, Tel, Fax

Total number of items in their work area (######)

Group Header
Work Area

=iif([item1]="sometext", "Yes", "No")
=iif([itemN]="sometext", "Yes", "No")

Detail footer
Group footer
=Count([item1]) returns correct number of item1 etc etc

Report Footer

I'd like to be able to place the total number of items for all the rooms a
person works in.

I hope the question is clear. let me know and I'll try and clairfy it.


Duane Hookom


[item1]="sometext" will return either -1 or 0 for True or False. Summing the
absolute value will count the trues.

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