count records in dataset...


John Pether (john@

I have the following code which loads a dataset into a datagrid:
' Obtain Link information from Links table
' and bind to the datagrid control

Dim links As New DNSite.LinksIndexDB()

' DataBind Links to DataGrid Control

DG.DataSource = links.GetLinks(CatID)
DLLegend.DataSource = links.GetGroups
TotalLinks =

TotalLinks needs to be the number of rows of data from the dataset links.GetLinks

Can anyone tell me how I access that info?


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Rajesh Tiwari

records in a dataset are nothing but the records in the data tables in the to get the records in a dataset ,get the recordcount in the
table/tables in the dataset.and the command for this is somewhat like

Rajesh Tiwari

John Pether said:
I have the following code which loads a dataset into a datagrid:
' Obtain Link information from Links table
' and bind to the datagrid control

Dim links As New DNSite.LinksIndexDB()

' DataBind Links to DataGrid Control

DG.DataSource = links.GetLinks(CatID)
DLLegend.DataSource = links.GetGroups
TotalLinks =

TotalLinks needs to be the number of rows of data from the dataset links.GetLinks

Can anyone tell me how I access that info?


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ASP.NET resources...

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