Count Problem between dates



D7=Start Date F7=End Date

B13:B31 Data Dates
C13:C31 Data

I need a formula that will count the number of entries in range
C13:C31 that are between the dates in D7 and F7.

Thanks for your help.

Peo Sjoblom


will count dates in B13:B31 that are bewteen D7 and F7
however what is the criteria for C13:C31? If not empty is the criteria


otherwise post back with criteria


Column B has Dates in no specific order. Column C has either a number
greater then 1 or 0. I tried Count but because every cell has a
formula that either retuns a number or 0, the result was it counted
every cell. I can't use the count for Col B because some dates entered
in B are for data in Col's D through I.

I tried the formula
=SUMPRODUCT(--(B13:B31>=D7),--(B13:B31<=F7),(C13:C31>0)) but that only
returned 0 when with data entered shoud have returned a count value of

Any other ideas?

Bob Phillips



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

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