count of group with out groupby


Imran J Khan

In a report I am trying to get a count of each group in a field, without
using groupby in a query builder. I trying to creat an experession in control
source property of a control in the report. Using the count function, I get
the total count for that field. I need to be able to count each group,i.e
each anwser in that field.
Currently I have four records, 14,8,11,16, so the count will only be 1.


use the report's sorting and grouping. You can then create a footer for the
group and do the Count there. It will only Count across the group.

Imran J Khan

Thanks, that worked so far.

Klatuu said:
use the report's sorting and grouping. You can then create a footer for the
group and do the Count there. It will only Count across the group.

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