Count number of different entries?




Is there a simple way to count the number of different entries in a column?

ex. I have multiple rows for the same "salesperson". I have many
salespersons. I want to know how many salespersons I have.

I guess I'm counting non-duplicate entries in a column.

Thank you,
I'm learning lots!


This is an array formula, so enter it with Ctrl+Shift+Enter


Ron Rosenfeld


Is there a simple way to count the number of different entries in a column?

ex. I have multiple rows for the same "salesperson". I have many
salespersons. I want to know how many salespersons I have.

I guess I'm counting non-duplicate entries in a column.

Thank you,
I'm learning lots!

Depends on whether or not there are blanks in the range.

If no blanks:


entered as an *array* formula.

If there may be blanks, even if they are at the end of the range, then:


also entered as an *array* formula.

To enter an *array* formula, after typing or pasting the formula into the
formula bar, hold down <ctrl><shift> while hitting <enter>. Excel will place
braces {...} around the formula.


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