Count by date and hour



Hi. I have a downloadable report that shows individual transactions. For
each transaction there is an entry in the "Date" column and in the
"Time" column. I have created a second sheet to record the number of
transactions by date and hour (i.e. July 1 at 10 am, 11 am, etc., July
2 at 10 am, etc.).

If I create an additional column in the original report worksheet
titled "HourData" and use the Hour worksheet function on the time
column, I have no problem using an array formula like
{=sum((HourData=10)*(Date=07/01/06))} to count only instances of a
particular date and hour. Or, I can use a pivot table and group the
times by hour.

However, I'd like to skip the creation of the "HourData" column or
creating a pivot table. Is there any way I can specify that I want to
compare only the "hour" information in the "Time" column to my defined
criteria. This even goes to simple Countif and Sumif functions. How can
I count or sum only specific hours from a range of times?



If your dates are in column A and times in column B


for a count.

to sum column C where these criteria apply



Sumproduct likes to work with numbers, but the tests above will return
logical values, either True or False. -- will turn the logical values into
numbers, either 1 for true or 0 for false. The first - will make a true -1.
The 2nd will turn the negative 1 to a positive 1. Negating false returns 0
(both times.)

Bob Phillips has a very useful explanation of Sumproduct. Let me dig up the
link ...
Also, this link explains the --:

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