Corruption in linked table, but not when viewed directly.



In a front end / back end database design, I have a table in the backend that
shows two corrupted rows. However, when I open the backend directly, the
table shows no corruption, the two rows are okay.

Based on some posts in this forum, I suspect that the table indexes may be
bad, but I would have thought the indexes were stored in the backend.

Any comments or suggestions?

Sylvain Lafontaine

What's your definition of a corrupted row?

Does the problem disappears if you make a refresh?


Sylvain Lafontaine said:
What's your definition of a corrupted row?
Rows have unreadable data in some fields, invalid data or null in others;
one row has its primary key (an autonumber field) changed to a large value
beyond the numbers genuinely assigned.
Does the problem disappears if you make a refresh?
Not sure what you mean by refresh. I have not tried copying table and
renaming it, or dropping indexes and recreating yet. I was wanting to see if
anyone else has experienced a similar problem before going that route. I'm
concerned about what relationships I will lose when I start tinkering with
table names and what effort I'll have to go through to rebuild those. Also,
if it is an indexing issue, I'm puzzled as to how and where the indexes are
stored. Logically, I'd think they would have to go in the backend with the

Van T. Dinh

Try using the Linked Table Manager (Menu Tools / Database Utilities / Linked
Table Manager) to refresh the links ...


Van T. Dinh said:
Try using the Linked Table Manager (Menu Tools / Database Utilities / Linked
Table Manager) to refresh the links ...
My application is portable, and is used at different times on PC's with
different drive/directory setups. I have used VBA code to break all backend
links when the database is closed. When the database is next opened, the VBA
code looks for the backends where they were last used, and gives the user the
option to use the backends it finds or to point to files in another
directory. The app will then re-established the links. In essence, the links
are refreshed every time the app is opened. This code has been in place for
several years and has not been changed.


Problem may be Access version related. I cannot duplicate problem on Access
2003 this morning (ie, corruption shows up when opening table locally and
when opening as linked). I won't be back to my home PC (Access 2000) until
later in the week to see what's happening in that environment.

Thanks all for feedback and comments to date.

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