Corrupt/Unreadable files



I am running Windows XP Home Edition and have a corrupt file and need to know
how to delete it from my computer. I can not send it to the Recycle Bin. I
get an error message saying that the file is corrupt and unreadable. I have
tried everything that I know. I need some help please.


JOEBAR said:
I am running Windows XP Home Edition and have a corrupt file
and need to know how to delete it from my computer. I can
not send it to the Recycle Bin. I get an error message
saying that the file is corrupt and unreadable. I have tried
everything that I know. I need some help please.

You can try deleting it from a command prompt window or use
this procedure:

Also, you can try booting into Safe Mode and see if you can
delete the file.

Good luck



i have xp-pro, when i do start/programs/accessories, there is no command deal
in there anywhere


Start -> Run and type cmd.exe in the Open box.
Click OK.

If that doesn't work, try the procedure outlined on the linked
article I provided earlier.



The information provided for the question I ask earlier did not help me. The
problem is actually a folder in the MY DOCUMENTS that I can not delete. Also
I have tried to start my computer in SAFE MODE but it won't start in that
mode for some reason. I would like to be able to delete the folder so I don't
have to compelety re-install Windows.


The information provided for the question I ask earlier did
not help me. The problem is actually a folder in the MY
DOCUMENTS that I can not delete. Also I have tried to start
my computer in SAFE MODE but it won't start in that mode for
some reason. I would like to be able to delete the folder so
I don't have to compelety re-install Windows.

And the name of the mystery folder is?

Post back with a little more information. Something like this:
I'm trying to delete the following folder, C:\Documents and
Right click on the folder, select Properties and note the name
of the folder as well as the location.

What happens when you try to start in Safe Mode? When you hit
the F8 key, does a menu appear with a number of startup
options? What happens when you select Safe Mode from the menu?

Did you try the procedure outlined on the web site? Did you try
using the command prompt to remove this folder?
Go to Start -> Run and enter cmd.exe in the Open box.
Enter the following:
RD C:\"Documents and Settings"\YOURUSERNAME\"My

Note: You want to replace YOURUSERNAME and FOLDERNAME with the
correct information. You also need to include the quotes (") in
any portion of the command that contains spaces.



1) run check disk to see if it can "uncorrupt" the file in question.

my computer | drive | right-click properties | tools tab | check now

if it says it needs to schedule the check on next boot click ok and
reboot, let it run (blueish screen says check disk is running....)

2) then try the delete again.


Command Prompt should be on your start menu, under Accessories. If not it
is simply a shortcut to:



None of the advice given sofar will work. I can't start in Safe Mode, chkdsk
or any of the things mentioned. I guess I will just format the hard drive and
re-install Windows XP.


I do not need any more advice for my question. I tried everything that was
posted and nothing worked. I called DELL and the couldn't help. They tried to
re-install Windows XP Home Edition with no luck. I finally tried the NEW disk
for my wife's computer and got the repair to run and now my problems are
solved. Dell has ordered a new hard drive but I think I will cancell that.
The only thing I have to say about these forum sites is I have never found
anyone that knew what they were talking about or sent something not related
to the question because most of the people in here can't read and understand
plain english.

Ken Blake

The only thing I have to
say about these forum sites is I have never found anyone that
what they were talking about or sent something not related to
question because most of the people in here can't read and
plain english.

If you have any more questions, be sure to post them here. I'm
sure everyone will be delighted to offer you further help.


I do not need any more advice for my question. I tried
everything that was posted and nothing worked. I called DELL
and the couldn't help. They tried to re-install Windows XP
Home Edition with no luck. I finally tried the NEW disk for
my wife's computer and got the repair to run and now my
problems are solved. Dell has ordered a new hard drive but I
think I will cancell that. The only thing I have to say
about these forum sites is I have never found anyone that
knew what they were talking about or sent something not
related to the question because most of the people in here
can't read and understand plain english.

I usually ignore this type of response but in your case I'll
make an exception.

Your dissatisfaction with support forums may stem from the fact
that you aren't looking for advice. You're looking for someone
to provide you with a nice neat solution that requires little
or no effort on your part. Sorry to tell you this but many
computer issues don't have simple solutions. There is one
guaranteed solution and you've found it, reinstall Windows.

You may not think you need any more advice on this subject but
I feel that I would be remiss if I didn't pass along this
suggestion; Keep that XP installation CD handy! I think you'll
find yourself needing it quite often.

I asked several questions seeking clarification on why you
weren't able to implement my suggested solutions. Instead of
answering those questions you felt it would be more productive
to just go on a rant about "None of the advice given sofar will

As for people in these forums not knowing what they're talking
about, the solutions I provided have been passed along to quite
a few people who posted questions similar to yours. They've
been able to successfully implement the procedures and delete a
seemingly undeletable file or folder.

You complain that "most of the people in here can't read and
understand plain english". Did you ever consider the
possibility that some people can't follow directions written in
plain English?

By the way, your last sentence is priceless. If you're going to
complain about the reading comprehension of your target
audience, it helps to use clear, cogent and concise statements
when making that point. I can overlook mistakes in spelling or
grammar but if you're going to insult someone's intelligence
you should, at the very least, proofread your own material. The
"sent something not related to the question" part could use a
little editing.



I really don't care if you ignore or read this. I said in my last responce
that I fixed the problem myself and did not have to re-install Windows XP. I
am not looking for the things you claimed I was. I had been working on the
problem for some time and as I told you before most ot the people, most off
you don't read the intire posting. Dell could not fix the problem and as I
said before none of the things that were posted here helped solve the
problem. You can post what ever response to this you want because I will not
be coming back and will not be reading your snide remarks. So just shove your
snide remarks.

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