Corrupt hard drive

  • Thread starter Thread starter chem15t
  • Start date Start date


A power surge corrupted both the master and slave hard drives, making file
recovery incomplete from the backup folders. When I try to boot the drive in
Safe Boot or to last valid set point, it goes to the "blue screen" and states
"Stop: C000021 {Bad image checksum}. The image normaliz.dll is possibly
corrupt. The header checksum does not match the computed checksum."

I removed the master drive and place on another machine as a slave. I can
see all the files but cannot access folders/etc. since it states I do not
have administrative rights. I have learned that I should not have used the
password protected Administrator account for these files, but should have set
up a separate User Account. I was able to copy and access files in the other
two user accounts, but cannot do so in the Administrator account.

The system has Windows XP Home SP2. I tried Recovery mode but the system
did not come with a Windows XP CD. Only a hardware test CD (drive passes
tests) and another CD that will wipe the drive clean and reinstall to
original configuration.

Does anyone know how to either 1) get the computer to reboot, or 2) how to
access the password protected Administrator files?
The date and time was Saturday, March 14, 2009 3:05:01 PM, and on a
whim, chem15t pounded out on the keyboard:
A power surge corrupted both the master and slave hard drives, making file
recovery incomplete from the backup folders. When I try to boot the drive in
Safe Boot or to last valid set point, it goes to the "blue screen" and states
"Stop: C000021 {Bad image checksum}. The image normaliz.dll is possibly
corrupt. The header checksum does not match the computed checksum."

I removed the master drive and place on another machine as a slave. I can
see all the files but cannot access folders/etc. since it states I do not
have administrative rights. I have learned that I should not have used the
password protected Administrator account for these files, but should have set
up a separate User Account. I was able to copy and access files in the other
two user accounts, but cannot do so in the Administrator account.

The system has Windows XP Home SP2. I tried Recovery mode but the system
did not come with a Windows XP CD. Only a hardware test CD (drive passes
tests) and another CD that will wipe the drive clean and reinstall to
original configuration.

Does anyone know how to either 1) get the computer to reboot, or 2) how to
access the password protected Administrator files?

Right click on the drive in Explorer and select Sharing & Security,
click Security tab. Add the user on the current computer with Full Control.

Terry R.
chem15t said:
A power surge corrupted both the master and slave hard drives, making
file recovery incomplete from the backup folders. When I try to boot
the drive in Safe Boot or to last valid set point, it goes to the
"blue screen" and states "Stop: C000021 {Bad image checksum}. The
image normaliz.dll is possibly corrupt. The header checksum does not
match the computed checksum."

I removed the master drive and place on another machine as a slave.
I can see all the files but cannot access folders/etc. since it
states I do not have administrative rights. I have learned that I
should not have used the password protected Administrator account for
these files, but should have set up a separate User Account. I was
able to copy and access files in the other two user accounts, but
cannot do so in the Administrator account.

The system has Windows XP Home SP2. I tried Recovery mode but the
system did not come with a Windows XP CD. Only a hardware test CD
(drive passes tests) and another CD that will wipe the drive clean
and reinstall to original configuration.

Does anyone know how to either 1) get the computer to reboot, or 2)
how to access the password protected Administrator files?

I'm hoping someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems it would
be a case of taking ownership of the drive's contents, no?

One thing you might be able to try is to download a free Linux CD
application. You boot into Linux from the CD drive and since Linux
understands NTFS, you should be able to access and copy off the files to
another known good drive if you have one or can beg/borrow one for
awhile. That way you completely bypass Windows and any of its controls.
Knoppix is one that's not too hard to use, works well and is reliable;
I've used it successfully a time or two.

How about ... just doing an XP 'Repair Install'? Done correctly, since
you at least have backups on one of the drives, it does not delete any
data. Lots of places on the 'net have instructions on how to do a
Repair Install.

Perhaps when you get back up and running you should look into an
external drive for your backups. Then you can keep it disconnected at
all times except when yuou're actually using it. 500 Gig externals have
become pretty reasonably priced as of late. Even the terabyte drives
aren't that expensive. I have one of each and alternate them, because I
usually have the drive running all night to do cleanup housekeeping and
full or incremental backups of all my drives. With one disconnected at
all times I at least should have something to Restore from<g>. DVDs are
probably cheaper for holding backups, but they're too time consuming
for me.
BTW: Disconnected in this sense means both power AND connections to
the computer disconnected. In order of worst first, surge sensitivity
is usually:
-- Modem (phone lines)
-- Power Supply
-- Earthing problems. Missing or not well connected.

