Corrupt Excel 97 Spreadsheet - Can you Help ?



I have an Excel 97 spreadsheet that I cannot now access. It was working
perfectly well one day, but when I came to use it the next I got the
following message...

'Golf.xls' cannot be accessed. The file may be read-only, or you may be
trying to access a read-only location. Or, the server the document is stored
on may not be responding.

The file isn't read-only, it is not in a read-only location, and it is not
stored on a server.

I've used the file for a number of years. It's fairly large (just over
1MB), but contains simple calculations. It has approx 20worksheets.

I cannot open it, or copy it. I've tried opeing it in Word, WordPad,
NotePad, OpenOrg (which I downloaded), and Excel Viewer - all to no avail.

Does anyone know what is causing the problem, and how to resolve it ?



First, I would check the filesize in Windows Explorer to make sure it was
about what size I expected it to be. If it is very small, then probably the
"save" got interrupted and it did not save it correctly......if so, then I
would look for another file with a strange cryptic name in the same
directory....which just might be the same file saved under that name during
the save process.......
If the filesize seems about correct, you might try having someone open it in
Excel XP and then re-saving it back to 97 version.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3



Thanks for coming back so quickly.

The filesize is correct (1,097KB). I've checked for another 'cryptic' file
but one does not exist !

Do you have any other suggestions ?




Thanks for coming back so quickly.

I've checked the filesize and it's OK (1,097KB), and there is no 'cryptic'
named file on the diectory.

Do you have any other ideas ?



If you have a friend with Excel XP, ask them to try and if they get it open
to save back as version 97..........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3



I'll try that. I'm lucky (?) as the file is on a USB drive. If it wasn't I
wouldn't be able to try it as I can't copy it.

By the way I have tried on Excel 2003, but get the same error message.

Thanks - I might be back !

Gord Dibben


Maybe this problem, although you say you tried on anther computer.

Excel stores in Windows\Temp(win98) folder a copy(s) of any file that is open.

Sometimes this *.tmp file is not deleted from the Temp folder when you close
out Excel(maybe a crash of Excel?) or the file, so Excel thinks it is still
open and in use.

You can try a re-boot and see if that clears it up. If not, after a re-boot,
clear out your Windows\Temp folder.

If using WinXP your Temp folder would be under user.......

Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp

If on a network, re-booting the server may be the only solution other than
copying the data to a new workbook.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

I have an Excel 97 spreadsheet that I cannot now access. It was working
perfectly well one day, but when I came to use it the next I got the
following message...

'Golf.xls' cannot be accessed. The file may be read-only, or you may be
trying to access a read-only location. Or, the server the document is stored
on may not be responding.

The file isn't read-only, it is not in a read-only location, and it is not
stored on a server.

I've used the file for a number of years. It's fairly large (just over
1MB), but contains simple calculations. It has approx 20worksheets.

I cannot open it, or copy it. I've tried opeing it in Word, WordPad,
NotePad, OpenOrg (which I downloaded), and Excel Viewer - all to no avail.

Does anyone know what is causing the problem, and how to resolve it ?


Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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