Correcting Misspelled User Name



My computer has just acquired some upgrading by a tech
dept, and Windows XP Pro and Office has been installed.
However, they misspelled my name. I have been able to
change the opening screen and the registered name, but
cannot change the User name ... where it counts, as
in "Documents and Settings/terri". I hate the thought of
looking at my misspelled name for years to come on so many
items. Is there any remedy?

Anando [MS-MVP]

Hi Teri,
The only way to correct this is to create another account with the correct
name, transfer all you files and settings to that account, and finally
delete the former account. You can transfer your files and settings by
logging in through a third account (usually the built in administrator
account) and copy your former account to the new account by right clicking
my computer>Properties>advanced. Click settings under User profiles and
select the former account and click "Copy to" and specify the target


Microsoft MVP - Windows Shell/User


Hi, Anando,
Thank you so much for your information. The procedure
sounds a bit laborious, but I'm willing to try it. Before
I do, however, I would like to clarify one additional
issue: I am presently the one and only account - I am the
Administrator Account. Will that make any difference?

Anando [MS-MVP]

Are you working through the administrator account or is your account a
'administrator' type of account ? Any which way, create the new desired
account and then leave the target and the source account and log into a
third account (you can create one temporarily) and then follow the whole
procedure. Please post back if you need further assistance.


Microsoft MVP - Windows Shell/User

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