correct legend in a scientific plot impossible



Hi all,

this is a problem I have been haunted with since ages:

I cannot mix Latin with Greek letters in the legend of a plot, such as
"(DELTA)G" where (DELTA) represents here the capital letter D (DELTA) in
Greek. No problem at all in the title of a graph, or in a spreadsheet, but
not in a plot in the legend!

This is strange since other non-MS programs like Origin or Scientist can do
it beautifully!

Am I just too dumb?

Thank you,


Bernard Liengme

I'm afraid you are correct. One cannot format a single character in a
As a work around:
format the legend to the same colour as background to as to make invisible
make text boxes with needed legend text and position next to series marker
in legend box

best wishes


Thank you, Bernard!

Do you know whom to suggest this to correct in the next version of MS EXCEL?



Jerry W. Lewis

The Character Map in Windows 2000 Professional supports extended
characters, which would permit you to mix English and foreign language
characters in the same font. These still display under Windows Me, but
it is not clear how to easily enter them there.



Thanks for the suggestions!

Based on them, this is how it works for me now (for the time being):

1) I empty the legend from any titles so that only the curve symbols are
visible (white script will not do it, it is partly visible across dark
letters in a separate textfield)
2) I write the missing text into the graph title, mix different text styles
ad libidum
3) place this textfile close to the legend, making adjustments in text size
in oder to keep both well aligned

The whole diagram can now be resized or copied beautifully.

But isn't it awful to take such pains, just to achieve a simple task any
other comparable non-MS program can do at the snap of a finger?


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