Copying Worksheets with macros



I am setting up a template (worksheet) for someone to copy as needed.
Attached to this template are macros and a userform.

I am setting up this template to use a userform to enter checking account
transactions and each worksheet will be a check register.

My question is this: Do macros and userforms copy along with the worksheet
that is being copied?




1. If your macro is stocked in the module of the Worksheet : The code is
copied of the same time workshheet
2. If your macro is stocked in other module : You copied the code by
3. If your macro is stocked in Thisworkbook : the export-Import create a
class module
4. If your macro is stocked in Userform : I have not response

But I recommande the stockage of macro in a workbook independant out of the
workbook user : In this cas no besoin to copy the code

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