copying 'sheet1'!A1 to sheet 2, I want to get 'sheet2'A1, not 'she



I want the sheet number to change relatively when I copy a formula in sheet 2
(referencing to say sheet1) to sheet 3. I've done this before but can't seem
to get it to work now. help!!!


we're on the right track, is there one for "next sheet"?

I got the sheet references to change in the past by entering the right
formulas in say 3 consecutive sheets and then grouping the sheets and then
copying the cells to 3 new consecutive sheets, the sheet references changed
correctly, but I can't seem to get it to do it again, have you tried this


I just looked at what a UDF is, I get it, but I need a simpler solution.

Here's what I tried this morning, it didn't work but the other day I tried
it and it did work (maybe I did things a little differently today, but I know
there is a way to get the sheet references to change using group mode cause I
did it.

Please give it a try if you have the patience and let me know if you got it
to work.

open up 6 sheets

enter in A1 of the first 3 consecutive sheets
sheet 1 100
sheet 2 'sheet1'!A1
sheet 3 'sheet 2'A2

select and copy from sheet 2 A1 to sheet 3 A1
Group sheets 4 to 5
Click paste or press enter

Result, the sheet references just copied, the didn't move relatively, ugh.


ok I just got it to work but it only works for inserting/copying whole new
sheets, not for copying ranges. boo hoo. thanks for trying.

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