Copying ranges


Don Lloyd


2 Workbooks with identical worksheets i.e. Same layout, same controls.
The main difference is that Workbook 1 one has data. Workbook 2 doesn't.

How do I copy a range of data from workbook 1 to workbook 2, including cell
formatting, without also copying the controls across.

I've tried a straight range copy but I finish up with duplicate controls.

If I try copying the values, I get a merged cells complaint (although what
few merged cells there are the same in each case) - the formatting is
required anyway.

I can do it if the properties of the controls in workbook 1 are set to
"don't move or size with cells" but it's not really practical.


Norman Jones

Hi Don,

Try a dual copy / PasteSpecial operation: firstly values and then formats or
vice versa).

Don Lloyd

Thanks Norman,

I've tried that but I get a merged cells complaint (although what
few merged cells there are the same in each case) when I paste the values.
I hate merged cells in VBA and don't use them often :)


Norman Jones

Hi Don,
I hate merged cells in VBA and don't use them often :)

I never use them.

Why not write a simple macro to loop through the controls setting and then
(after the copy operation) un-setting the property?

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