copying named range



i have a list of cells in sheet1 that i want to be automatically copied to
what i did was to use named range for the cells and use the forumla
=namedRange in sheet 2.

However it did not paste the entire range. Say the sheet1 cells are A1:A5.
If i wrote the foruma =namedNamed in sheet2 cell C2, it will paste the value
relative to the row which is A2 in sheet1. So if i write that forumla in C10,
i get nothing.

my ultimate goal would be to be able to copy the range of cells from sheet1
to sheet 2 automatically. thanks

Bob Phillips

Make sure that the named range references are absolute.


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


thanks for your reply.

but could u elaborate further.
by the way i am using a dynamic named range
if it cant be done with dynamic, its ok if i try with a static one

Bob Phillips

in your range use something like





Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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