Copying more that one Worksheet at a time.



How are you all,

i was wondering if it was possible to copy more than one sheet at a time - i
have a work book and i need to make multiple copies of one particular sheet,
when i right click on a work sheet tab there are the options there - one of
them is move or copy - when you copy it askes where to put it, when you do
that it only comes up with one extra sheet - is it all possible to paste a
few more at a time than just one?

Thanks heaps Patchie


I can't see how to do that without some programming.
What you can do is 'double up' though. This way you can create lots of
sheets fairly fast.
(A) select a sheet, drag it sideways (left button), hold control (+ icon
shows), drop
(now you have 2 sheets)
(B) select the first sheet, hold down control and select the new sheet.
Release. Now you have 2 sheets selected (two white ones). Click on one of
them, drag it sideways, hold control (now you see +++ icon), release. (now
you have four sheets).
(C) now you need to do the same to double up those 4 sheets to 8 sheets.

You should be able to get to the number of sheets you need pretty quickly
like this.

Gord Dibben


You cannot copy multiples of the same sheet at once unless you have multiple
copies of the sheet.

In that case you could select all copies of Sheet1 and use the "move or copy"

You have one other response describing how to double up to create multiples of a

OR you could use a macro.............

Sub SheetCopy()
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo endit
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
shts = InputBox("How many times")
For i = 1 To shts
ActiveSheet.Copy after:=ActiveSheet
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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