copying many controls



I'm going to have many controls that get their values from sheet1, all on a
multipage. Then I'll have sheet2, & sheet3, and also pages on the multipage
that are identical to the first page, except they get their data from sheet2,
sheet3. Their are 40-50 controls each page, each page identical, just using
a different sheet, which are identical. Can I 'copy' one page to the next,
only changing the sheet that is referenced, rather than having to make the
sheet ref change on 40-50 controls?


You may havve to write simple macro like the one below

Sub test3()

For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoOLEControlObject Then
Link = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(shp.Name).LinkedCell
Link = Replace(Link, "Sheet1", "Sheet2")
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(shp.Name).LinkedCell = Link
End If
Next shp

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