Copying Excel Charts into Illustrator




I suddenly seem to be having problems copying and pasting
charts from Excel into Adobe Illustrator 9.0. By suddenly,
I mean since I upgraded to Win XP Pro and Office XP. When
I was using Illustrator on a WinXP Home maching w/ Excel
2000, I was easily able to copy and paste charts from Excel
into Illustrator for further editing. However, since the
upgrade, I have lost this ability. Furthermore, I am
unable to copy the graph using the Shift-Edit->Copy Picture
function. I am able to get it in to Illustrator if I first
print it using Adobe Distiller and create a PDF file. When
I open the PDF file w/ Illustrator, it opens as a vector
graphic, enabling me to scale and resize as needed.
However, it would be much easier if I could simply copy and
paste. From looking at this forum and the user forum on
the Adobe web site, I surmise that the problem is an
incompatibilty between the clipboard's WMF format and
Illustrators vector graphics( I am able to paste graphs as
a raster graphic into Photoshop w/o difficutly... thus I
surmise that the problem is limited to Illustrator). Is
there a change in the way the office clipboard works in
Office XP as opposed to Office 2000? Or is this due to a
difference between WinXP home and Win XP Pro. (btw, a
colleague in our lab has the same difficulty on his machine
running Office 2000, Win2K and Illustrator 9.0 as well).

Anybody have any ideas as to how to correct this?



-----Original Message-----

I suddenly seem to be having problems copying and pasting
charts from Excel into Adobe Illustrator 9.0. By suddenly,
I mean since I upgraded to Win XP Pro and Office XP. When
I was using Illustrator on a WinXP Home maching w/ Excel
2000, I was easily able to copy and paste charts from Excel
into Illustrator for further editing. However, since the
upgrade, I have lost this ability. Furthermore, I am
unable to copy the graph using the Shift-Edit->Copy Picture
function. I am able to get it in to Illustrator if I first
print it using Adobe Distiller and create a PDF file. When
I open the PDF file w/ Illustrator, it opens as a vector
graphic, enabling me to scale and resize as needed.
However, it would be much easier if I could simply copy and
paste. From looking at this forum and the user forum on
the Adobe web site, I surmise that the problem is an
incompatibilty between the clipboard's WMF format and
Illustrators vector graphics( I am able to paste graphs as
a raster graphic into Photoshop w/o difficutly... thus I
surmise that the problem is limited to Illustrator). Is
there a change in the way the office clipboard works in
Office XP as opposed to Office 2000? Or is this due to a
difference between WinXP home and Win XP Pro. (btw, a
colleague in our lab has the same difficulty on his machine
running Office 2000, Win2K and Illustrator 9.0 as well).

Anybody have any ideas as to how to correct this?


FYI: The solution was presented on the Adobe Illustrator
User Forum. The problem is that Illustrator needs to store
the clipboard files in a temporary directory. While there
is Temp directory under user/local settings/temp, this did
not seem sufficient. By creating a TEMP directory in the
C: root directory, the problem was solved.

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