copying cells from other worksheets



How do I copy individual cells into one worksheet from other (more than one)
worksheets into a formula and then copy the remainder of the column to match
each corresponding cell like the first one copied so that I am copying same
cell areas from each worksheet when I drag and copy that one formula? Not
sure if I explained this correctly. For example there are four lodging
properties (or worksheets with the same template) and one resort worksheet.
So I am copying a1 from each of the four worksheets in a simple addition
formula that I need to have duplicate for b1, c1, and so forth across the
resort worksheet column without having to go to each worksheet for each
formula with my mouse. Hope that explains it.

Gord Dibben


To SUM all A1 cells from each sheet enter on the Resort sheet


Drag/copy across to increment B1, C1

If sheets have unique names that would not fit the above example, insert a
dummy sheet after the Resort sheet(sheet at beginning) and name it First.

Insert a dummy sheet at end and name it Last.

Formula would now be =SUM(First:Last!A1)

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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