Copying a Variant Array to a worksheet



What is the short-hand method to copy a varaint array to a worksheet.

Given a variant array called vaData which is 10 rows x 5 columns

Range("F20:I26").Value = vaData 'Would copy the data to F20:I26

How can this be written dynamically using
Ubound(vaData) and UBound(vaData,2) in place of the cell range reference?

RB Smissaert

If the array is a 2-D 1-based array all will be the same as the range as
this Sub shows:

Sub test()

Dim arr

arr = Range(Cells(1), Cells(10, 10))

Range(Cells(LBound(arr), LBound(arr, 2)), Cells(UBound(arr), UBound(arr,
2))) = arr

End Sub



Just answered my own question...
Addr = "$F$20"
Addr = Addr & ":" & Range(Addr).Cells(UBound(vaData), _
UBound(vaData, 2)).Address
Range(Addr).Value = vaData

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