Copy Results from Autofiltered List




I use Autofilter on a list of 5 columns to narrow down a search. This
search will always be norrowed down to display only 1 record.

How can I copy that 1 record to other cells elswhere on the same page.

That is - the 1 record displayed from my Autofiltered list is
displayed from A10:E10, and I want this data copied to A5:E5.

Obviously I can't pull the contents of the top row of the filtered
list with =A5, =B5, =C5, =D5 as this will always change.

Tks, Kaye


Perhaps one way which might achieve it ..

Illustrated in this sample construct:
Copy Results from Autofiltered List.xls

Source table assumed in A9:E200, col headers in A9:E9

In A3:
Note: Above requires Tom Ogilvy's ShowFilter UDF to be pre-installed.
Tom's UDF & steps to install are given below the sign-off

In A4:

Array-entered** in A5:

**Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to confirm the formula,
instead of just pressing ENTER

Select A3:A5, copy across to E5.
A5:E5 will return the required results from the top row in the filter.


Tom Ogilvy's UDF

'---- begin vba -----
Public Function ShowFilter(rng As Range)
Dim filt As Filter
Dim sCrit1 As String
Dim sCrit2 As String
Dim sop As String
Dim lngOp As Long
Dim lngOff As Long
Dim frng As Range
Dim sh As Worksheet


Set sh = rng.Parent
If sh.FilterMode = False Then
ShowFilter = "No Active Filter"
Exit Function
End If
Set frng = sh.AutoFilter.Range

If Intersect(rng.EntireColumn, frng) Is Nothing Then
ShowFilter = CVErr(xlErrRef)
lngOff = rng.Column - frng.Columns(1).Column + 1
If Not sh.AutoFilter.Filters(lngOff).On Then
ShowFilter = "No Conditions"
Set filt = sh.AutoFilter.Filters(lngOff)
On Error Resume Next
sCrit1 = filt.Criteria1
sCrit2 = filt.Criteria2
lngOp = filt.Operator
If lngOp = xlAnd Then
sop = " And "
ElseIf lngOp = xlOr Then
sop = " or "
sop = ""
End If
ShowFilter = sCrit1 & sop & sCrit2
End If
End If
End Function
'-- end vba --

To implement the UDF:
Press Alt+F11 to go to VBE
Click Insert > Module
Copy and paste the UDF (below) into the white space on the right [everything
within the dotted lines ("begin vba" to "end vba")]

Press Alt+Q to get back to Excel
Then in Excel, we can use Tom's UDF as, eg in A3: =showfilter(A9:A200)

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