Copy Range Border Excel 2007 + Screenupdating Issue



We are running a VBA macro and are copying a range and then looping and
inserting the copied range. However, the copied range has the "copy border".
Is there anyway this can be turned off in vba?

Also, we cannot turn off the screenupdaing using the following below

with application
.screenupdating = false
end with

We think it is updaitng due to a custom function in the range being copied

Is there anything else that you can totally turn Excel updating off with.

Thanks in advance

Jim Rech

To exit copy mode use Application.CutCopyMode = False

Don't know why you're having problems turning off the screen.

| We are running a VBA macro and are copying a range and then looping and
| inserting the copied range. However, the copied range has the "copy
| Is there anyway this can be turned off in vba?
| Also, we cannot turn off the screenupdaing using the following below
| with application
| .screenupdating = false
| .displayalerts=false
| end with
| We think it is updaitng due to a custom function in the range being copied
| Is there anything else that you can totally turn Excel updating off with.
| Thanks in advance

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