


As of yesterday I don't get a menu when I right click my mouse button i
wordpad. I do get the menu when I right click in internet explorer. I
internet explorer when I get the menu (after clicking on the righ
button of my mouse) I do have the option of clicking "copy", but when
try to paste it in msn messenger the word "paste" is grayed out. So I'
not able to paste in msn messenger, but I'm not even getting the men
in wordpad.

I have discovered where the problem (partly) resides. When I ope
internet explorer and go to options, I click on the security tab an
then select the internet zone, after having done this I click on custo
level where I can select different options for windows XP. One of whic
is enabling, disabling or prompting to copy/paste.

However to my surprise this option was allready on enable, so
disabled it and enabled it again. This had no effect whatsoever. S
then someone told me to click on the reset button that resets th
security settings to any level one chooses. I did this, but to n

What I did next was to reset the security settings to High. To my utte
amazement, I could copy/paste again! You might think problem solve
what's the issue. The problem is, that I'm no longer able to copy/past
unless I have the security settings reset to high. Which is a proble
because now there are other things which I can't do, like logging int
hotmail. So the "high" security profile handicaps alot of other thing
in exchange for letting me copy/paste. You might argue to leave it o
"high" and manually change the other options I require. I can do this
but.. after clicking ok, copy/paste stops working again.

This is so frustrating, I have one more guess but I'm not sure abou
this. I'm using Spyware blaster which has a list of definitions tha
blocks from malicious code, ad ons etc to get on my computer it is ver
effective and a free program from javacoolsoftware. I'm thinking mayb
this is preventing me from changing my security profile in a way that
can use other features as well as copy/paste. But I'm not sure, becaus
I cannot remember updating it yesterday. The options are similar t
that of the "immunize" function in Spybot Search & Destroy or Spywar
Doctor 3.

Any suggestions on how to get my copy/paste back will be muc


Did you get this problem solved??? I'm having the same problem on 2 of our
office computers. I also noticed that another poster (Simcornay) is having
the same problem. I was particularly concerned since we performed some
Windows Updates yesterday, but now it doesn't seem that is the problem.

Interestingly, I tested the cut and paste in several applications, including
MS Excel. I got an interesting message: Cannot empty clipboard. Oddly
enough, the clipboard is EMPTY! I'm going to research this clue some more
and see where it leads me. Please let me know if you have it solved.

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