Copy paste different columns (ranges) to word



Hi I have problems when I try to copy paste different columns (ranges)
to a word doc.

This is the code I'm using:

Dim wordapp As Word.Application
Dim WordDoc As Word.Document

Set wordapp = New Word.Application
Set WordDoc = wordapp.Documents.Add

WordDoc.PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientLandscape

Dim x As Integer
x = max + 1
Sheets("registrations").Range("B1:F" & x & ",I1:I" & x & ",K1:L" &
x & ",N1:N" & x).Copy

The problem that I have, is that it doesn't copy the different
columns, it copies all the columns between B and N, so G, H, J, M are
alsow included.

Now I noticed that the same thing occurs when I try to simulate this
with manual actions. If I select 2 columns for example A and C, copy
and past them in a Word doc, column B is also been copied.

What I alsow tried was to delete the unneeded columns afterwards: with
this code:


But then I receive the following error:

"Cannot access individual columns in this collection because the table
has mixed cell widths."

I alsow tried copy pasting the ranges one after another, ben the I
receive the following error:

"Microsoft excel is waiting for an OLE object to ..."

Somebody knows a solutions for this situation.

Thanks in advance, Nik


It's always a problem: you cannot paste multiple ranges from Excel to any
package other than Excel - the clipboard thinks you've copied everything
between. You best bet (I think) is to create the table you would like to see
in Word in Excel first - either with a macro or - better - worksheet formulae
and then copy that in its entirety.


mmm, thought of that to, but was asking my self if there wasn't
another solution avoiding to make extra sheets, but thanks anyway,
have solved it like that.

Grtz, Nik

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