copy only from a cell with data in it



Here is my existing code if it helps any


Dim TestCalcs_rev22 As Workbook
Dim Bondsdb As Workbook
Dim shtinitial_information As Worksheet
Dim shtsheet1 As Worksheet
Dim cl As Integer

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
With Workbooks("BondsDB.xls").Worksheets("sheet1")
For cl = 2 To 5000
If .Cells(cl, 4) = "" Then Exit For
End With
cl = cl - 1
progListBox.RowSource = "[BondsDB.xls]sheet1!$A$2:$IF$" & Mid(Str(cl)
End Sub

Private Sub btnOpen_Click()
If progListBox.ListIndex = -1 Then
MsgBox "No Reference Selected!", vbExclamation, ""
Exit Sub
End If
Set rng = Range(progListBox.RowSource).Columns(1).Cells
cl = rng.Offset(progListBox.ListIndex, 0).Row
With Workbooks("bondsdb.xls").Worksheets("sheet1")

'Range("Issr") = .Cells(cl, 1)
'Range("Issr_local") = .Cells(cl, 2)
'Range("Principal") = .Cells(cl, 4)
'Range("Term") = .Cells(cl, 7)
PasteSpecial xlPasteAll, Transpose:=True
'PasteSpecial xlPasteAll, Transpose:=True
'PasteSpecial xlPasteAll, Transpose:=True

End With
End Sub

Private Sub btnCancel_Click()
End Su

Bob Kilmer

What about the code leaves you wanting? I see you are using "If
..Cells(cl, 4) = ""." Is that not working for you?

The way I check for a null string is:
If Len(.Cells(cl, 4).Text) < 1 Then ...

See the SpecialCells method of the Range class. It allows you get blank
cells, en masse. For example:

Dim r as Range
Set r = Columns("A:B").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)

Also See IsEmpty(), and the other 'Is' functions, perhaps.

Sometimes it is useful to sort a range to remove the empties.

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