Copy from closed excel file and paste to master file then loop for same siles


Steve B

I am trying to set up a macro to copy a range from a closed workbook
into an active workbook.

I have been able to copy and paste the information while keeping the
document closed, but I need a few other issues addressed as well.

1) I cannot make change the copy paste into a copy paste special...
value, add.

2) Also, I need the "add" feature because I want to create a loop
that pulls the same range from the same sheet in duplicate workbooks.
The only difference is that the workbooks are named in sequential
order, for example: 1.xls, 2.xls, 3.xls, etc... Can I reference the

Is there a was to create a loop that will follow these rules? The
excel files would all be in the same file ie C:\data.

Greg Glynn


Are you making the copy with a direct reference into the closed


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