Copy Files to other folder



I want to copy a number of files from one folder to another
The code that I am trying to use is:
Dim WbSource As Workbook
Set WbSource.Path = "C:\Mis documentos\10 October 2005"
For Each Workbook In WbSource.Path
Workbook.Copy "C:\Mis documentos\12 December 2005"
Next Workbook
However it tells me that I am making wrong use of Path
Can someone help?


This may help get you started. It should copy all .xls files.

Sub test()
Const Source = "C:\Mis documentos\10 October 2005\*.xls"
Const Dest = "C:\Mis documentos\12 December 2005"
Dim FSO As Object

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not FSO.folderexists(Dest) Then MkDir Dest
FSO.copyfile Source, Dest
End Sub

Jim Cone

A Set statement is used for objects only.
Path is a String, so "Set WbSource.Path = " will cause an error.
For moving files/folders I prefer using the Scripting Runtime FileSystemObject.
When you use a wild card "*", all files of the particular type are moved.
The following code copies all .xls files from one folder to another.
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

Sub CopyFilesWithScriptingRuntime()
Dim strFromPath As String
Dim strToPath As String
Dim Fso As Object

'The * can only be used in the last position.
strFromPath = "C:\Mis documentos\10 October 2005\*.xls"
'The * cannot be used in the destination path.
strToPath = "C:\Mis documentos\12 December 2005"

Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Copy all of the .xls files - False prevents overwriting of files
Fso.CopyFile strFromPath, strToPath, False
Set Fso = Nothing
End Sub

"TISR" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
I want to copy a number of files from one folder to another
The code that I am trying to use is:
Dim WbSource As Workbook
Set WbSource.Path = "C:\Mis documentos\10 October 2005"
For Each Workbook In WbSource.Path
Workbook.Copy "C:\Mis documentos\12 December 2005"
Next Workbook
However it tells me that I am making wrong use of Path
Can someone help?

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