Copy Documents and Settings



Hi; can anyone tell me why I get an error message "Cannot Copy Ntuser: It might be used by another user or program"
I closed all other programs, Virus Protection etc. and all others in the system tray. I'v also turned off my DSL motem
What am I doing wrong


Each user has their own environment in XP. The massive
Windows regisrty has several sections (hives). Each user
has their own hive that creates the HKEY_Current_User
hive. That file resides within your Documents and Settings
user folder. The active profile can't be copied because
the hive files ntuser.dat, ntuser.dat.LOG, and ntuser.ini
are locked.
If you log on as a different user with administrator
rights, you can copy it, but a copy probably won't work
quite right, and can really screw up a new profile if you
force it.

That's the "Why?" part of it.
Tom's link shows the correct way to do things.
-----Original Message-----
How to Copy User Data to a New User Profile;en- us;811151&Product=winxp

Tom Swift
message "Cannot Copy Ntuser: It

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